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The Inner Guru Goddess Guides

Welcome to episode 9 of My Owning HER Health Podcast .

This was my last episode of the the 2016 Fall season! For more episodes Subscribe to my ITunes Show HERE 

The support has been amazing with this soft launch of Owning HER health this second half of Fall and I am excited for all the guests I have planned into first quarter of 2017!

This episode was what I call A GURU GODDESS SESSION where our deep, intuitive collective wisdom as women will be shared. Look for those, hang out with the Goddesses of your life and join in the conversation on twitter @HERhealthPod after the show.  I will be answering your questions on the Tuesday evenings they launch at least twice a quarter in the future! Okay now onto the present.

In this episode you will learn....

  • The secret powers of the Inner Guru Goddess Vibe, how to tap into HER wisdom at different points of your life and how to celebrate those milestones with others
  • What is the one celebration and natural force so many of our young...
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Talking Chakras and Cancer and Making Our Young Guru Gals Strong!

On episode 10 of my Owning HER Health podcast we opened up my Winter Season with one of my colleagues who has one hell of #HERstory. After climbing the ladder being perfect on so many levels Dr Julie, PT shared a very amazing story of how intimately linked we women are with our perceptions of strength , our emotions and our physical health.


This episode is sponsored by Paul Gough's Business Growth School. Learn More 

Dr Julie's story will inspire and also redefine success for you!

My friend and integrative colleague, Dr Julie Granger doesn’t just treat athletes – she is one. The one time All-ACC Honor Roll Recipient was a member of the Division 1 Women’s Varsity Swimming and Diving Program at Duke University but sustained a career-ending shoulder injury and her subsequent year in physical therapy at Duke ultimately solidified Julie’s career path. In 2012, Julie received her board certification Sports Physical Therapy from the American Board...

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You Are An Amazing Piece of Work

women's health Nov 21, 2016


I have to say that at this point in the journey, my title at work is probably best described as being a "professional life stylist " as my idea of health has evolved from being about the tone of my muscles and the weight of someone's body to a multi systemic experience of life.  Still, day in and day out, I am reminded how important it is for me and my clients to become better schooled in the art of becoming quite intimate in the nuances of their present human form. 

It is just sad how little we in America actually understand this vessel we walk around in everyday. We have a hint of what is inside but if we really understood the artistic design in how one thing blends into and out of the functional ability of the other, we might then understand the underlying beauty and the grace amongst the science of how we were made.  Take for example the intimate conversations we have with both the...

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Let's Discuss The Pink Elephant In The Room

The Problem

Most of the suffering of being a friend, wife, CEO, mom, entrepreneur and pretty much any role I or my clients play in life is a direct result of either 1) not knowing oneself intimately enough to say "The Hell with You" to the doubters or 2) putting on such a wonderfully convincing show of perfection that most everyone around you believes it.  

I try hard to cut to the chase of being real and confident in my initial contact with clients because I really want to get to the well of a solution and their relationship with their soul desires of the ego is often one of the hardest roots to soften.  My desire to sooth your soul while gently placing this in your line of sight is tricky because sometimes, the victim voice inside a stressed out mind wants nothing more than to blame someone else for the chaos. We avoid the obvious triggers we can control like the black plague. We all do it and boy that ego hates to feel a sense of blame pulsing in her own...

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Celebrating Veteran's Day with Women Warrior Goddess Dani Cook

This was my 6th Episode of my Owning HER Health Podcast and Entrepreneur DanI Cook took my listeners into her triumph from some deep layers of pain which inspired #HERstory of building better communities and helping others shine

Download iTunes Episode HERE

Dani is a fellow Lady biz leader as owner of Digital Fit Marketing Solutions, an author, poet, mom and social movement maker using all of her life's lessons through pain to move her back into love and move other women into a bigger purpose. Dani discusses how she is no longer limited by her veteran related disabilities or childhood traumas and is actually using her story to begin leading others out of the darkness as well. Dani Cook is leading others right down the road to recovery with her! If anyone is dealing with trauma or pain, please download and listen to this 30 min gift of light!!!! Visit Dani online Digital Fit marketing Solutions Pin Up Project Charlotte ...

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We are a community of professional healers. Women rising up to become the Medicine to themselves, their family and the world.  Enjoy my self care workbook as a thank you for connecting!